18 Mart 2010 Perşembe

3. Sezon 5. Program: HAPPY HOUR

"All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer" Homer Simpson
Image Info: Hip Hip Hooray! Artists celebrating at Skagen (1888) by Danish Painter P.S.Krøyer (1851-1909)

- Waking up with sweet sculptural rhythms
- A toast to brand new professors and postponed wine & cheese parties
- Happy bar songs
- Sad bar songs- Calling Tom once again for company- Drinking alone and talking to strangers
In the British Navy, the officers' noon mess has been accompanied by a toast distinctive for the day of the week
Monday: Our ships at sea.
Tuesday: Our men.
Wednesday: Ourselves.
Thursday: A bloody war and quick promotion.
Friday: A willing soul and sea room.
Saturday: Sweethearts and wives, may they never meet.
Sunday: Absent friends and those at sea.

10 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

3. Sezon 4. Program: KİMDİR BU ALICE, ANGIE, SARA, ROSANNA, SALLY... FALAN... FİLAN --- 10 Mart 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo, 21oo

"Sizi dışlamış, yarı yolda bırakmış, ya da sizin yeterince iyi olmadığınızı düşünmüş herkese yollanmış bir öpücük" Bruce SPRINGSTEEN (Rosalita adlı bestesi üzerine kendi sözleri)

- Happy Women's Day
- Songs with single female names
- What does Mary Jane stand for?
- Elizabeth from a graveyard
- Melissa from a store
- Layla long before a marriage and Sara long after a divorce
- A band obsessed with Anna, Lorraine, Roseanna, and Pamela

9 Mart 2010 Salı

3. Sezon 3. Program: EŞİTSSİZLİK, NERUDA, JARA --- 03 Mart 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo

Bütün hayvanlar eşittir ama bazıları diğerlerinden daha fazla eşittir.
George ORWELL - Hayvan Çiftliği

"Food comes first, then morals" they say,
the end of the world's three hot meals away.
Two average men eat their average meals
but destiny waits at their table.
One is served gruel while the other chews veal,
(But they're both spoon fed lies from the cradle).
Life's really a chocolate box -
some do without - others have plenty.
Inequality Street by SKYCLAD