18 Mart 2010 Perşembe

3. Sezon 5. Program: HAPPY HOUR

"All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer" Homer Simpson
Image Info: Hip Hip Hooray! Artists celebrating at Skagen (1888) by Danish Painter P.S.Krøyer (1851-1909)

- Waking up with sweet sculptural rhythms
- A toast to brand new professors and postponed wine & cheese parties
- Happy bar songs
- Sad bar songs- Calling Tom once again for company- Drinking alone and talking to strangers
In the British Navy, the officers' noon mess has been accompanied by a toast distinctive for the day of the week
Monday: Our ships at sea.
Tuesday: Our men.
Wednesday: Ourselves.
Thursday: A bloody war and quick promotion.
Friday: A willing soul and sea room.
Saturday: Sweethearts and wives, may they never meet.
Sunday: Absent friends and those at sea.

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