I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.
Groucho Marx
'CanlıCansızHayaletSürücüler'in 4. Sezonu 7 Programlık bir paket olarak gerçekleştirildi ama bu sayfada hiç yer almadı...
Bu 7 programlık ve de sessiz sedasız gerçekleştirilen 4. sezon sonunda programı kesinlikle bitirme kararı almıştım. Başka sorumluluklarım nedeniyle yeterince zaman ayıramıyor olmam bir yana, programın benden ve benim dışımdan kaynaklanan pekçok sebeple bitmesi gerektiğini hissediyordum. Bu sebeplerin başında program yapma koşullarımın Hayalet Sürücüler formatı için çok fazla iyileşmiş olması gelmekteydi. Bu çok garip bir nedenmiş gibi gelebilir ama, gerçekten de CCHS, 4. Sezona gelinceye kadar neredeyse bir yeraltı radyosu koşullarında ve çok sınırlı sayıda kişiye hitap edecek şekilde yapılmıştı. Bazen sadece iki üç kişi programı dinliyordu ama o iki üç kişinin ne kadar sadakatle ve heyecanla dinlediklerini ben de yeni anladım. İtiraf ediyorum, o koşullarda, yani sadece bilenlerin takip ettiği ve üniversite radyosunun varolmaya ve kurumsallaşmaya çalıştığı o koşullarda ben de çok daha özgür hissediyordum kendimi. Frank Zappa Amerika'nın Irak politikasına küfredecekse edebiliyor, Charles Bukowski sarhoş sarhoş şiir okuyacaksa okuyabiliyordu. Kazancı Bedih ile Tom Waits o izole yeraltı ortamında daha özgür olarak biraraya gelebiliyordu. 4. Sezonda bu havayı kendi adıma bir türlü yakalayamadığımı hissettim ve ben de programı bitirmeye karar verdim.
Ancak, çok sıradan bir şeymiş gibi bu bitirme kararımı söylediğimde o sadık iki üç kişi baya bir tepki gösterdiler. Bir de programın şimdiki koşullarda yeni dinleyicileri oluşmuştu ve bunlar da ciddi ciddi saatinde hayaletleri duymayı bekler olmuşlardı. İşte sırf bu kişiler yüzünden ben de CCHS'i tamamen bitirme kararımı bu dönemin sonuna erteledim.
Yani demek istiyorum ki...
İEÜ, İletişim Fakültesinin Sultanları, Hakanları ve Alper Tungaları da izin verirlerse, 'CanlıCansızHayaletSürücüler'in 5. Sezonu da olacak gibi görünüyor... ama şimdiden anlaşalım, bu kesinlikle son sezon olacak.
22 Eylül 2010 Çarşamba
16 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba
3. SEZON FİNALİ - 26 Mayıs 2010
We're at a place in history where the bar is at an all time low
We've applauded mediocrity till there is no lower we can go
Art has no place in this world of supersize
"Like Flies" - Warren Haynes/Gov't Mule
We're at a place in history where the bar is at an all time low
We've applauded mediocrity till there is no lower we can go
Art has no place in this world of supersize
"Like Flies" - Warren Haynes/Gov't Mule
11 Mayıs 2010 Salı
3. Sezon 11. Program: MİLLİ HAYALETLER 05 Mayıs 2010 Çarşamba 14oo
Ayşe Pelin İnan ile...
Ben aglayamam bilirsin
Yuzumu doker giderim...
Yusuf Hayaloglu
- "A" of A. Can Ozcan and "A" of A. Pelin Inan are making the program this week
- It was supposed to be a recorded archive edition, try not to miss
- Bring along a handkerchief either to laugh or cry or dance Anatolian way
Ayşe Pelin İnan ile...
Ben aglayamam bilirsin
Yuzumu doker giderim...
Yusuf Hayaloglu
- "A" of A. Can Ozcan and "A" of A. Pelin Inan are making the program this week
- It was supposed to be a recorded archive edition, try not to miss
- Bring along a handkerchief either to laugh or cry or dance Anatolian way
27 Nisan 2010 Salı
3. Sezon 10. Program: AZ OLAN ÇOKTUR 28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba 14oo
It is easy enough to be pleasant when life flows by like a song
But the man worthwhile is one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong
Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1850-1919
- In memory of old and young
- Not much lyrics this week
- Not much songs
- Not much of a talking
- Yet long beautiful songs of remembrance
A TOUT LE MONDE (Dave Mustaine - Megadeth)
don't remember where i was
I realized life was a game
the more seriously i took things
the harder the rules became
I had no idea what it'd cost
my life passed before my eyes
i found how little I accomplished
all my plans denied.
so as you read these know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all
please smile when you think of me
my body's gone that's all.
a tout le monde
a tout les amis
je vous aime
je dois partir
(to the world-everyone,
to all my friends,
i love you all,
but i got to go)
these are the last words
I'll ever speak
and they'll set me free.
if my heart was still alive
I know it would surely break
and my memories left with you
there's nothing more to say.
moving on is a simple thing
what it leaves behind is hard
you know the sleeping feel no pain
and the living are scared
But the man worthwhile is one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong
Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1850-1919
- In memory of old and young
- Not much lyrics this week
- Not much songs
- Not much of a talking
- Yet long beautiful songs of remembrance
A TOUT LE MONDE (Dave Mustaine - Megadeth)
don't remember where i was
I realized life was a game
the more seriously i took things
the harder the rules became
I had no idea what it'd cost
my life passed before my eyes
i found how little I accomplished
all my plans denied.
so as you read these know my friends
I'd love to stay with you all
please smile when you think of me
my body's gone that's all.
a tout le monde
a tout les amis
je vous aime
je dois partir
(to the world-everyone,
to all my friends,
i love you all,
but i got to go)
these are the last words
I'll ever speak
and they'll set me free.
if my heart was still alive
I know it would surely break
and my memories left with you
there's nothing more to say.
moving on is a simple thing
what it leaves behind is hard
you know the sleeping feel no pain
and the living are scared
3. Sezon 9. Program: KÜL VE DUMAN 21 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba 14oo
Dear Miss Goldstein:-- Seven years ago I wrote you that I'd rather be ashes than dust. I still subscribe to that sentiment. Sincerely yours, Jack London Jan. 13, 1909
- Nothing is brand new and dead old including volcano eruptions.
- Otis, Stevie, Ronnie all became ghosts in the sky
- Planes and helicopters which shouldn't have crashed.
- Rains of strange colors
- What if you can not fly?... You still can take a ride
9 Nisan 2010 Cuma
"Ok, I ordered ice with my drink, but this is too much" Real time quote from a Titanic survivor
- Dual character of almost everything - Lovers and brothers singing together
- Cowboys, ghosts, and legends singing together
- Even God and King singing together
- What song did Bob Marley sing after learning that he was cancer?
- Dual character of almost everything - Lovers and brothers singing together
- Cowboys, ghosts, and legends singing together
- Even God and King singing together
- What song did Bob Marley sing after learning that he was cancer?
3. Sezon 6. Program: ÖNCE KIZILDERİLİLER, SONRA KOVBOYLAR - 31 Mart 2010 Çarşamba 14oo
"Hadi Yallah!..." Memory of a Turkish translation from a duel scene of an old Western movie.
- Why we don't have Western movies anymore! - Back from a week's leave from North, missing West and Westerns.
- Who else could so wonderfully play a deputy with a drinking problem than Dean Martin? Features a John Wayne/Angie Dickinson love scene. He, 51- she, 26. - The sheriff knocking on heaven's door
- System versus man/woman/human or ghostly philosophies on cowboys and indians
- Reverse of dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds make sense now... that's why!
"Hadi Yallah!..." Memory of a Turkish translation from a duel scene of an old Western movie.
- Why we don't have Western movies anymore! - Back from a week's leave from North, missing West and Westerns.
- Who else could so wonderfully play a deputy with a drinking problem than Dean Martin? Features a John Wayne/Angie Dickinson love scene. He, 51- she, 26. - The sheriff knocking on heaven's door
- System versus man/woman/human or ghostly philosophies on cowboys and indians
- Reverse of dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds make sense now... that's why!
18 Mart 2010 Perşembe
3. Sezon 5. Program: HAPPY HOUR
"All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer" Homer Simpson
- Waking up with sweet sculptural rhythms- A toast to brand new professors and postponed wine & cheese parties
- Happy bar songs- Sad bar songs- Calling Tom once again for company- Drinking alone and talking to strangers
Image Info: Hip Hip Hooray! Artists celebrating at Skagen (1888) by Danish Painter P.S.Krøyer (1851-1909)
- Waking up with sweet sculptural rhythms- A toast to brand new professors and postponed wine & cheese parties
- Happy bar songs- Sad bar songs- Calling Tom once again for company- Drinking alone and talking to strangers
In the British Navy, the officers' noon mess has been accompanied by a toast distinctive for the day of the week
Monday: Our ships at sea.
Tuesday: Our men.
Wednesday: Ourselves.
Thursday: A bloody war and quick promotion.
Friday: A willing soul and sea room.
Saturday: Sweethearts and wives, may they never meet.
Sunday: Absent friends and those at sea.
Tuesday: Our men.
Wednesday: Ourselves.
Thursday: A bloody war and quick promotion.
Friday: A willing soul and sea room.
Saturday: Sweethearts and wives, may they never meet.
Sunday: Absent friends and those at sea.
10 Mart 2010 Çarşamba
3. Sezon 4. Program: KİMDİR BU ALICE, ANGIE, SARA, ROSANNA, SALLY... FALAN... FİLAN --- 10 Mart 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo, 21oo
"Sizi dışlamış, yarı yolda bırakmış, ya da sizin yeterince iyi olmadığınızı düşünmüş herkese yollanmış bir öpücük" Bruce SPRINGSTEEN (Rosalita adlı bestesi üzerine kendi sözleri)
- Songs with single female names
- What does Mary Jane stand for?
- Elizabeth from a graveyard
- Melissa from a store
- Layla long before a marriage and Sara long after a divorce
- A band obsessed with Anna, Lorraine, Roseanna, and Pamela
- Songs with single female names
- What does Mary Jane stand for?
- Elizabeth from a graveyard
- Melissa from a store
- Layla long before a marriage and Sara long after a divorce
- A band obsessed with Anna, Lorraine, Roseanna, and Pamela
9 Mart 2010 Salı
3. Sezon 3. Program: EŞİTSSİZLİK, NERUDA, JARA --- 03 Mart 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo
Bütün hayvanlar eşittir ama bazıları diğerlerinden daha fazla eşittir.
George ORWELL - Hayvan Çiftliği
"Food comes first, then morals" they say,
the end of the world's three hot meals away.
Two average men eat their average meals
but destiny waits at their table.
One is served gruel while the other chews veal,
(But they're both spoon fed lies from the cradle).
Life's really a chocolate box -
some do without - others have plenty.
Inequality Street by SKYCLAD
George ORWELL - Hayvan Çiftliği
"Food comes first, then morals" they say,
the end of the world's three hot meals away.
Two average men eat their average meals
but destiny waits at their table.
One is served gruel while the other chews veal,
(But they're both spoon fed lies from the cradle).
Life's really a chocolate box -
some do without - others have plenty.
Inequality Street by SKYCLAD
26 Şubat 2010 Cuma
3. Sezon 2. Program: Radyasyonlu Temalar --- 24 Şubat 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo
Your cable television is experiencing difficulties. Please do not panic. Resist the temptation to read or talk to loved ones. Do not attempt sexual relations, as years of TV radiation have left your genitals withered and useless. Matt Groening, The Simpsons
Dinleyen ya da duymak zorunda kalan üç beş kişiye ve bana göre iyi bir yayın oldu bu haftaki. Bir kere içinde derin analizler vardı. Örneğin 1970'li yıllardan başlayarak televizyondan yayılan radyasyonun etkisiyle insanların iyi müzik dinlemeyi bırakıp, kötü televizyon programları, özellikle de dizileri seyretmeye başlamaları ve bu yüzden özellikle açık havada yapılabilen rock müziğinde iyi örneklerin azalması gibi tezler ileri sürdük. Tezimizi desteklemek için de 1940'ların Superman dizi müziğini 1960'lardan Tarzan temasını, oradan da 1970 ve 1980'li yılların uzaylı (Uzay Yolu, Uzay 1999, Savaş Yıldızı Gallactica) ve kaçan adamlı dizilerinin (Kaçak, Logan'ın Kaçışı, Yaşamak İçin) müziklerini ve de polisiyelerin (Baretta, A-Takımı, Görevimiz Tehlike) temalarını çaldık. Sonuçta vardığımız nokta televizyonun en güzel programlarının Muppet Show, Simpsons ve South Park gibi kendi kendisiyle ve hatta hepimizle dalga geçmeyi başarabilen programlar olduğuydu. Tabi CCHS'in ruhuna uygun şeyleri de esirgemedik kimseden. Aerosmith ve Gov't Mule ile bu programın esas duyu organının göz değil, kulak ve sürücü ruhu olduğunu hatırlattık. Çevreye verdiğimiz ciddi bir rahatsızlık olmadı çünkü çevrenin ruhu bile duymadı.
Bu arada programımızı tanıtan bir yazı İEÜ, İletişim Fakültesinin yayın organı Ünivers Gazetesinin son sayısında yer aldı. Bunun için hem İletişim Fakültesine hem de yazıyı hazırlayan Halil Türkden'e çok teşekkür ediyorum.
BROKE DOWN ON THE BRAZOS - Gov't Mule (2009)
Surrounded by strangers
All my friends are gone
I ain’t had the blues yet today but
I can feel them coming on
Everywhere I go trouble’s all I find
No matter what I do I feel like I’m losing my mind
Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos
Living in a dream
Chasing a sound
Told everybody I believe I’m Texas-bound
Here I am
Well I guess its no surprise
Up to my knees in water
Up to my ears in dragonflies
Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos
About to lose my mind
About to lose my mind
Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos
About to lose my mind
About to lose my mind
* I do not hesitate to blame TV for the lack of good music due to these TV tunes and images. People stopped listening (good) and started watching (bad).
* Still some tunes to recall those ghostly images from the past
* Who could forget night consolations like Baretta, Kimble, Jordaches, Logan?... Or, who still remembers?...
* Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a rag-tag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest -- a shining planet, known as Earth.
* Kris Kristofferson singing with Miss Piggy.
* But it's not hopeless, there are Simpsons and South Park (as well as Ankaralı Turgut and Yasemin).
Special Notes:
1- An article has been published in IUE newspaper "Univers" this month regarding our program. Thanks to the Faculty of Communication and Halil Turkden.
2- For more of humorous Star Trek Posters see http://www.trekp.com/
Dinleyen ya da duymak zorunda kalan üç beş kişiye ve bana göre iyi bir yayın oldu bu haftaki. Bir kere içinde derin analizler vardı. Örneğin 1970'li yıllardan başlayarak televizyondan yayılan radyasyonun etkisiyle insanların iyi müzik dinlemeyi bırakıp, kötü televizyon programları, özellikle de dizileri seyretmeye başlamaları ve bu yüzden özellikle açık havada yapılabilen rock müziğinde iyi örneklerin azalması gibi tezler ileri sürdük. Tezimizi desteklemek için de 1940'ların Superman dizi müziğini 1960'lardan Tarzan temasını, oradan da 1970 ve 1980'li yılların uzaylı (Uzay Yolu, Uzay 1999, Savaş Yıldızı Gallactica) ve kaçan adamlı dizilerinin (Kaçak, Logan'ın Kaçışı, Yaşamak İçin) müziklerini ve de polisiyelerin (Baretta, A-Takımı, Görevimiz Tehlike) temalarını çaldık. Sonuçta vardığımız nokta televizyonun en güzel programlarının Muppet Show, Simpsons ve South Park gibi kendi kendisiyle ve hatta hepimizle dalga geçmeyi başarabilen programlar olduğuydu. Tabi CCHS'in ruhuna uygun şeyleri de esirgemedik kimseden. Aerosmith ve Gov't Mule ile bu programın esas duyu organının göz değil, kulak ve sürücü ruhu olduğunu hatırlattık. Çevreye verdiğimiz ciddi bir rahatsızlık olmadı çünkü çevrenin ruhu bile duymadı.
Bu arada programımızı tanıtan bir yazı İEÜ, İletişim Fakültesinin yayın organı Ünivers Gazetesinin son sayısında yer aldı. Bunun için hem İletişim Fakültesine hem de yazıyı hazırlayan Halil Türkden'e çok teşekkür ediyorum.
BROKE DOWN ON THE BRAZOS - Gov't Mule (2009)
Surrounded by strangers
All my friends are gone
I ain’t had the blues yet today but
I can feel them coming on
Everywhere I go trouble’s all I find
No matter what I do I feel like I’m losing my mind
Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos
Living in a dream
Chasing a sound
Told everybody I believe I’m Texas-bound
Here I am
Well I guess its no surprise
Up to my knees in water
Up to my ears in dragonflies
Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos
About to lose my mind
About to lose my mind
Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos, Broke down on the Brazos
About to lose my mind
About to lose my mind
* I do not hesitate to blame TV for the lack of good music due to these TV tunes and images. People stopped listening (good) and started watching (bad).
* Still some tunes to recall those ghostly images from the past
* Who could forget night consolations like Baretta, Kimble, Jordaches, Logan?... Or, who still remembers?...
* Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a rag-tag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest -- a shining planet, known as Earth.
* Kris Kristofferson singing with Miss Piggy.
* But it's not hopeless, there are Simpsons and South Park (as well as Ankaralı Turgut and Yasemin).
Special Notes:
1- An article has been published in IUE newspaper "Univers" this month regarding our program. Thanks to the Faculty of Communication and Halil Turkden.
2- For more of humorous Star Trek Posters see http://www.trekp.com/
17 Şubat 2010 Çarşamba
3. Sezon 1. Program: Göksel Bayka Anısına --- 17 Şubat 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo
Mizah delirmiş olan akıldır. GROUCHO MARX
* Hayalet Sürücülerin 3. Sezonu resmen başlamış oldu
* Warren Haynes ile başlayıp Lynyrd Skynyrd ile bitirecek ve Göksel Bayka'yı anacağız dedik, öyle de yaptık. Arada da Molly Hatchett ve en güzel parçalarından biri olan Flirtin' With Disaster'ı çaldık.
FLIRTIN' WITH DISASTER - Molly Hatchett (1979)
I'm travelin' down the road and I'm flirtin' with disaster
I've got the pedal to the floor and my life is running faster
I'm outta money outta hope it looks like self destruction
Well how much more can we take with all of this corruption
We're flirtin' with disaster, ya'll know what I mean
And the way we run our lives it makes no sense to me
I don't know about yourself or what you wanna to be, yeah
When we gamble with our time we choose our destiny
I'm travelin' down that lonesome road.
Feel like I'm draggin a heavy load.
Yet I've tried to turn my head away,
Feel about the same most every day
You know what I'm talkin about man
Speeding down the fast lane and honey we're playin' from town to town
The boys and I been burnin' it up and honey can't seem to slow it down
I got the pedal to the floor our lives are runnin' faster,
We got our sights set straight ahead but I ain't sure what we're after
We're flirtin' with disaster ya'll damn sure know what I mean.
You know the way we run our lives it makes no sense to me
I don't know about yourself or what you plan to be, yeah
When we gamble with our time we choose our destiny
Yeah! We're travelin' down that lonesome road.
Feel like I'm dragging a heavy load.
Though I try to turn my head away,
I'm flirtin' with disaster every day.
And you are too baby, Ha ha ha ha ha
It ain't for everybody, Oh come on man
Guitar solo
We're flirtin' with disaster man ya'll know what I mean
You know the way we run our lives it makes no sense to me
I don't know about yourself or what you plan to be
When we gamble with our time we choose our destiny
Yeah! We're travelin' down this lonesome road.
Feel like I'm dragging a heavy load.
Though I try to turn my head away, Bop mm bop bop yeah
We're flirtin' with disaster every day.
* Hayalet Sürücülerin 3. Sezonu resmen başlamış oldu
* Warren Haynes ile başlayıp Lynyrd Skynyrd ile bitirecek ve Göksel Bayka'yı anacağız dedik, öyle de yaptık. Arada da Molly Hatchett ve en güzel parçalarından biri olan Flirtin' With Disaster'ı çaldık.
FLIRTIN' WITH DISASTER - Molly Hatchett (1979)
I'm travelin' down the road and I'm flirtin' with disaster
I've got the pedal to the floor and my life is running faster
I'm outta money outta hope it looks like self destruction
Well how much more can we take with all of this corruption
We're flirtin' with disaster, ya'll know what I mean
And the way we run our lives it makes no sense to me
I don't know about yourself or what you wanna to be, yeah
When we gamble with our time we choose our destiny
I'm travelin' down that lonesome road.
Feel like I'm draggin a heavy load.
Yet I've tried to turn my head away,
Feel about the same most every day
You know what I'm talkin about man
Speeding down the fast lane and honey we're playin' from town to town
The boys and I been burnin' it up and honey can't seem to slow it down
I got the pedal to the floor our lives are runnin' faster,
We got our sights set straight ahead but I ain't sure what we're after
We're flirtin' with disaster ya'll damn sure know what I mean.
You know the way we run our lives it makes no sense to me
I don't know about yourself or what you plan to be, yeah
When we gamble with our time we choose our destiny
Yeah! We're travelin' down that lonesome road.
Feel like I'm dragging a heavy load.
Though I try to turn my head away,
I'm flirtin' with disaster every day.
And you are too baby, Ha ha ha ha ha
It ain't for everybody, Oh come on man
Guitar solo
We're flirtin' with disaster man ya'll know what I mean
You know the way we run our lives it makes no sense to me
I don't know about yourself or what you plan to be
When we gamble with our time we choose our destiny
Yeah! We're travelin' down this lonesome road.
Feel like I'm dragging a heavy load.
Though I try to turn my head away, Bop mm bop bop yeah
We're flirtin' with disaster every day.
12 Şubat 2010 Cuma
We're seven drunken pirates
We're the seven deadly sins
We're seven drunken pirates
We're the seven deadly sins
* Van Morrison, Dublin City Ramblers, Thin Lizzy, Sinead O'Connor, Flogging Molly, U2,
* All Irish to say goodbye and hello
* Explicit lyrics, drunken singers, celebrating birthdays, waving goodbyes
* What's another year for someone who's getting used to be alone
* Time to pull ourselves together and dance on Devil's Dance Floor
3 Şubat 2010 Çarşamba
February 3 2010, Wednesday
February 3 2010, Wednesday
* Pirate sessions just to keep ourselves fit with no listeners
* Bluesy covers: Warren Haynes, Gov't Mule, Gypsy Kings
* Noisy covers: Jimmi Hendrix, Metallica, Dream Theater
* Angels covering ghosts: Stevie Nicks, Tori Amos
* Even some, covering themselves: Nat King Cole
26 Ocak 2010 Salı
KORSAN YAYIN II: CANLI CANLI DAMATLAR - 27 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba, 14:oo
January 27, 2010 Wednesday - 14oo (aLive)
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'
* Noisy bluesy 2nd Season with live grooms: Murat BENGISU, Ali INCEOGLU, Omer ER
* Noisy: Nazareth, Uriah Heep, Lynyrd Skynyrd, even Sex Pistols
* Bluesy: Robert Johnson, Warren Haynes, Gov't Mule, Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton
* Murat: playing and singing our 1st Turkish song from Fikret Kizilok
* Ali: with Deniz and me on a Mustang ride
* Omer: his amazing sounds and more amazing sound stories.
* Bukowski: back from his grave and drunk
January 27, 2010 Wednesday - 14oo (aLive)
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'
* Noisy bluesy 2nd Season with live grooms: Murat BENGISU, Ali INCEOGLU, Omer ER
* Noisy: Nazareth, Uriah Heep, Lynyrd Skynyrd, even Sex Pistols
* Bluesy: Robert Johnson, Warren Haynes, Gov't Mule, Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton
* Murat: playing and singing our 1st Turkish song from Fikret Kizilok
* Ali: with Deniz and me on a Mustang ride
* Omer: his amazing sounds and more amazing sound stories.
* Bukowski: back from his grave and drunk
20 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba
It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia. FRANK ZAPPA
* Out of season 'pirate' sessions
* A review of the first 10 programs
* Bob, Allmans, Frank, Ozzy, Janis, Tom, Mule, Freddie
* Some are selected because they were good
* Some are selected because they didn't have the chance
* And one selected because he was offered to be the Minister of Culture in Czechoslovakia.
It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia. FRANK ZAPPA
* Out of season 'pirate' sessions
* A review of the first 10 programs
* Bob, Allmans, Frank, Ozzy, Janis, Tom, Mule, Freddie
* Some are selected because they were good
* Some are selected because they didn't have the chance
* And one selected because he was offered to be the Minister of Culture in Czechoslovakia.
12 Ocak 2010 Salı
2. Sezon 15. Program: BLITZKRIEG --- 15 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo
-I want to leave this world the same way I came into it: Screaming and covered in blood. UNKNOWN
* Abstract virtual ghosts don't have flesh and blood
* And this program ignores fear, pity, and mediocrity
* Ending the season with remaining fuel
* Where's my mule?
* What type of hole is mediocre common sense if you've got the bomb?
* Skid Row playing both for Ozzy and railways in Turkey
* If there's something weird, and it don't look good, who ya gonna call?
Blitzkrieg (German, "lightning war") is "a military doctrine of an all-mechanized force concentrating of tanks, infantry, artillery and air power, concentrating overwhelming force and rapid speed to break through enemy lines, and once the latter is broken, proceeding without regard to its flank
2. Sezonun 15inci ve son programı idi bu haftaki BLITZKRIEG.Bir yerinde tam Arnavut "kal"dırımı diyecektim ki "kal" geldi ve o iki kelimeden sonrasında da dilim ağzımda hareket ettikçe garip sesler çıkaran bir sakıza dönüştü. Oralardaki sesleri ayıklamak da hemen canlı yayının ertesinde sevgili Hakan Gök'e düştü çünkü hiç dayanamıyor böyle şeylere. Bu yüzden cuma gecesi bugünkü kaydı dinleyenler canlı yayın sırasında olandan daha düzgün bir program dinlemiş olacaklar (halbuki ikisi de aynı program). 2009-2010 güz eğitim yarıyılı ile birlikte 2. sezonumuzu ve toplamdaki 25. programımızı bitirmiş olduk böylece. Canlı cansız hayalet sürücülerin önemli bir özelliğini de açık ettik aslında. Bu programda tahammül edemediğimiz 3 şey olduğunu söyledik: "korku", "kendine acıma", ve de en beteri, "sıradanlık". Zaten o yüzden de çok az ama çok değerli dinleyicileri ve izleyicileri var bu programın. O az ama değerli kişiler için de elimizden geldiğince devam edeceğiz. Haftaya görüşmek üzere.
Bu haftanın listesi:
- Motorumuz + Ghost Riders In The Sky - SPIDERBAIT
- Blitzkrieg - METALLICA
- Crazy Train - SKID ROW
- Bell, Book and Candle - EDDIE READER
- Taksim + Love Hurts - NAZARETH
- Hide Your Love Away - EDDIE VEDDER
- I Am An A**hole - George THOROGOOD
- Mule - GOV'T MULE
- Ghostbusters - OST
- Ghost Riders In The Sky - SPIDERBAIT
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bu haftanın listesi:
- Motorumuz + Ghost Riders In The Sky - SPIDERBAIT
- Blitzkrieg - METALLICA
- Crazy Train - SKID ROW
- Bell, Book and Candle - EDDIE READER
- Taksim + Love Hurts - NAZARETH
- Hide Your Love Away - EDDIE VEDDER
- I Am An A**hole - George THOROGOOD
- Mule - GOV'T MULE
- Ghostbusters - OST
- Ghost Riders In The Sky - SPIDERBAIT
* Abstract virtual ghosts don't have flesh and blood
* And this program ignores fear, pity, and mediocrity
* Ending the season with remaining fuel
* Where's my mule?
* What type of hole is mediocre common sense if you've got the bomb?
* Skid Row playing both for Ozzy and railways in Turkey
* If there's something weird, and it don't look good, who ya gonna call?
Blitzkrieg (German, "lightning war") is "a military doctrine of an all-mechanized force concentrating of tanks, infantry, artillery and air power, concentrating overwhelming force and rapid speed to break through enemy lines, and once the latter is broken, proceeding without regard to its flank
4 Ocak 2010 Pazartesi
2. Sezon 14. Program: PİYANİSTLERİ-KLAVYELİ ÇALANLARI VURMAK --- 06 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba, 14oo
The pianist was playing late in a bar when he noticed an elephant crying in the corner. "Ah" he said, "You recognise the tune?". "No," replied the elephant, "I recognise the ivory"
Tam bu haftaki program bir türlü içime sinmedi, beş yıldızlı otellerin asansörüne yakışır bir şey oldu diye düşünüyordum ki hem kulağına güvendiğim insanlar güzel şeyler söylediler, hem de aşağıdaki adsız dinleyici yorumu geldi. Genelde yapmadığım bir şey yapıp bu programın kaydını baştan sona dinledim ben de üşenmeyip. Sonuçta da bu hafta biraz kendimize haksızlık ettiğim sonucuna vardım. Asena, Mısırlı Ahmet, Anjelika Akbar ve Johann Sebastian Bach'la başlayıp Supertramp'dan "Don't Leave Me Now" ile biten kaç tane program var ki şu dünyada. Arada Elton John, Billy Joel, Ray Charles ve de Deep Purple bile var üstelik. Yine de Hayalet Sürücülerin en ağır, en yorgun tempolu programlarından birini yaptık hissini atamıyorum üzerimden. Hakan Gök hocam bile bir ara gelip "motoru istop ettirecektiniz neredeyse" dedi. O ara da büyük ihtimalle Elton John'un hem Marilyn Monroe hem de Prenses Diana arkasından çalıp söylemek zorunda kaldığı "Candle in The Wind" falan çalmaktaydı.
Haftaya 2. sezonun 15'inci ve son programını yapacağız. Sonra ben gerçekten motorumu bir haftalık sıkı bir bakıma alacağım. Programa ara verir miyiz bilmem ama 3. sezon için saatlerde yeni bir düzenlemeye gidebiliriz.
Haftanın Listesi:
- Motorumuz + Jeneriğimiz "Ghost Riders in The Sky" - SPIDERBAIT
- Orkide II (J.S.Bach'ın Do Minör 2 numaralı Prelüdü, 1. Bölüm) - ANJELİKA AKBAR / MISIRLI AHMET / ASENA
- Stranger - Billy JOEL
- Friends of Mr. Cairo - JON and VANGELIS
- Candle in The Wind - Elton JOHN
- Sorry Seems to be The Hardest Word - Ray CHARLES + Elton JOHN
- Baby Grand - Ray CHARLES + Billy JOEL
- Soulshine - GOV'T MULE
- Don't Leave Me Now - SUPERTRAMP
- Ghost Riders in The Sky - SPIDERBAIT
SHOOTING PIANO PLAYERS AND KEYBOARDISTS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Enough of guitars... Piano players this week
* Blind men seeing through fingers, yet women are also great with piano
* Pianos like pianos, pianos like typewriters, and keyboards like furniture
* The first CD I did buy was neither jazz, nor blues, nor rock
* Two burnt out candles
* Even piano players ride motorcycles (and crash yet pretending to be innocent)
Image Note: Japanese jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita, in fireproof gear, plays the piano which was set ablaze for his performance in Shika town, Ishikawa prefecture, central Japan, Saturday, March 8, 2008. His 10 minutes performance, for his first time in 35 years, attracted some 400 audience at the coastal town. (Photo source: xinhuanet.com)
Tam bu haftaki program bir türlü içime sinmedi, beş yıldızlı otellerin asansörüne yakışır bir şey oldu diye düşünüyordum ki hem kulağına güvendiğim insanlar güzel şeyler söylediler, hem de aşağıdaki adsız dinleyici yorumu geldi. Genelde yapmadığım bir şey yapıp bu programın kaydını baştan sona dinledim ben de üşenmeyip. Sonuçta da bu hafta biraz kendimize haksızlık ettiğim sonucuna vardım. Asena, Mısırlı Ahmet, Anjelika Akbar ve Johann Sebastian Bach'la başlayıp Supertramp'dan "Don't Leave Me Now" ile biten kaç tane program var ki şu dünyada. Arada Elton John, Billy Joel, Ray Charles ve de Deep Purple bile var üstelik. Yine de Hayalet Sürücülerin en ağır, en yorgun tempolu programlarından birini yaptık hissini atamıyorum üzerimden. Hakan Gök hocam bile bir ara gelip "motoru istop ettirecektiniz neredeyse" dedi. O ara da büyük ihtimalle Elton John'un hem Marilyn Monroe hem de Prenses Diana arkasından çalıp söylemek zorunda kaldığı "Candle in The Wind" falan çalmaktaydı.
Haftaya 2. sezonun 15'inci ve son programını yapacağız. Sonra ben gerçekten motorumu bir haftalık sıkı bir bakıma alacağım. Programa ara verir miyiz bilmem ama 3. sezon için saatlerde yeni bir düzenlemeye gidebiliriz.
Haftanın Listesi:
- Motorumuz + Jeneriğimiz "Ghost Riders in The Sky" - SPIDERBAIT
- Orkide II (J.S.Bach'ın Do Minör 2 numaralı Prelüdü, 1. Bölüm) - ANJELİKA AKBAR / MISIRLI AHMET / ASENA
- Stranger - Billy JOEL
- Friends of Mr. Cairo - JON and VANGELIS
- Candle in The Wind - Elton JOHN
- Sorry Seems to be The Hardest Word - Ray CHARLES + Elton JOHN
- Baby Grand - Ray CHARLES + Billy JOEL
- Soulshine - GOV'T MULE
- Don't Leave Me Now - SUPERTRAMP
- Ghost Riders in The Sky - SPIDERBAIT
SHOOTING PIANO PLAYERS AND KEYBOARDISTS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Enough of guitars... Piano players this week
* Blind men seeing through fingers, yet women are also great with piano
* Pianos like pianos, pianos like typewriters, and keyboards like furniture
* The first CD I did buy was neither jazz, nor blues, nor rock
* Two burnt out candles
* Even piano players ride motorcycles (and crash yet pretending to be innocent)
Image Note: Japanese jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita, in fireproof gear, plays the piano which was set ablaze for his performance in Shika town, Ishikawa prefecture, central Japan, Saturday, March 8, 2008. His 10 minutes performance, for his first time in 35 years, attracted some 400 audience at the coastal town. (Photo source: xinhuanet.com)
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